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Lesson 25: What Is the Role of the Supreme Court in the American Constitutional System?

Primary Sources

Federalist No. 39

From Wikipedia: In No. 39, James Madison argues that the operation of the government will be republican but the principles of that operation will be democratic.

Link: http://www.constitution.org/fed/federa39.htm

Federalist No. 45

Federalist No. 45 was written by James Madison and published January 26, 1788 and addresses the concern of balancing the power between federal and state governments.

Link: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed45.asp

Federalist No. 51

From Wikipedia: Federalist No. 51 is an essay by James Madison, published on February 6, 1788. No. 51 addresses means by which appropriate checks and balances can be created in government.

Link: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed51.asp

Map of U.S. Courts of Appeals, or circuit courts

A map showing the geographical jurisdiction of all twelve of the United States courts of appeals, or circuit courts.

Link: https://bit.ly/2MzRYzb

United States Constitution

The supreme law of the United States that provides the framework for the government. The Constitution outlines the nation's institutions of government and the most important rights of the people. The document was created in 1787 during the Philadelphia Convention. The government created by the Constitution took effect on March 4, 1789.

Link: http://civiced.org/constitution