What We Do
The Center for Civic Education helps students gain an increased understanding of the institutions of constitutional democracy and the fundamental principles and values upon which they are founded. We help them learn the skills necessary to participate as competent and responsible citizens and develop the willingness to use democratic procedures for making decisions and managing conflict.
To fulfill this mission, the Center develops high-quality instructional materials, provides exceptional professional learning for teachers, and advocates for more vital civic education in the United States and emerging democracies.
Our Mission Since 1965
Promoting an enlightened and responsible citizenry committed to democratic principles and actively engaged in the practice of democracy.
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Media Inquiries
For more information on the Center, its programs and resources, refer any questions to:
Additionally, Center communications personnel can assist with ...
- Interviews with experts on the Constitution, civic education, public policy, and emerging democracies
- Referrals to classroom civic teachers