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Lesson 3: What is republican government?


aristocrats  People of the highest class of society who held inherited titles. They were often part of the ruling class in government.

civic virtue  The dedication of citizens to the common welfare of their community or country, even at the cost of their individual interests.

common good  The good of the community as a whole.

delegate  (1) (noun) A person chosen to act for or represent others. (2) (verb) To entrust someone to represent your interests.

direct democracy  A type of government in which the people themselves meet and make the laws that they decide are needed.

faction  (1) A small group within a larger group. (2) According to James Madison, a group that seeks to promote its own special interests at the expense of the common good.

representative  A person elected to act and speak for others.

representative democracy  A system of government in which the people elect officials to make and administer laws for their country.

republic  A nation that has a government in which power is held by the people who elect representatives to manage the government for them for the sake of the common good.

republican government  A system for ruling in which power is held by the people who are eligible to elect representatives to run the government for the common good. The term does not refer to a political party.