We want to extend a huge “thank you” for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us. It is a pleasure to welcome back those of you who are experienced “veterans,” and a delight to welcome those of you who are joining us at the National Finals for the very first time. Thank you all for agreeing to serve!

Judges (listed alphabetically)
Will be listed as they confirm
Dr. Michael F. Anderson, Professor of Education (retired), MFAnderson Ph.D. Educational Consulting, Walker, MN
Dr. John M. Aughenbaugh, Associate Professor, Political Science, Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA
Jack Barlow, Professor of Politics, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA
Scott L. Barnhart, Chief Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, Indianapolis, IN
Nathaniel A. Birkhead, University Distinguished Teaching Scholar and Department Head, Political Science, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Alan Brodman, CCE Consultant, Retired, Monroe Township, NJ
Jocelyn Broman, Professional Staff, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington D.C
Lester Brooks, Professor of History, Anne Arundel Community College (Adjunct), Arnold, MD
Chris Cavanaugh, CCE Consultant, Bismarck High School, Bismarck, ND
Henry L. Chambers, Jr., Professor of Law, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA
Augustus G. Chin, Municipal Judge, City of Holladay Justice Court, Holladay, UT
Alexander D. Constantelos, Civic Education Specialist, Ann Arbor Public Schools, Ann Arbor, MI
Sarah L. Copeland Hanzas, Vermont Secretary of State, State of Vermont, Bradford, VT
John J. Cousins, Educator,and Writer, Intelligentsia, Albuquerque, NM
Marilyn R. Cover, Adjunct Professor, ret, Lewis and Clark Law School, Portland, OR
Sara B. Crook, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, Peru State College, Peru NE
John K. DeLoache, Senior Staff Attorney, SC Assoc. of Counties, Columbia, SC
Carl J. Dermady, Jr., K-12 Social Studies Consultant, retired, Jefferson Parish Public Schools, Harvey, LA
Robert L. Dion, Professor of Political Science, University of Evansville, Evansville, IN
Lindsey D. Draper, Judicial Court Commissioner (Ret.), Institute for Well-Being in Law, Wauwatosa, WI
Charles Dunlap, President & CEO, Indiana Bar Foundation, Indianapolis, IN
Ross Eisenman, Senior Federal Executive, U.S. courts, The Federal Judiciary, Washington, DC
Francene Engel, Political Scientist & Constitutional Scholar, Maryland Council for Civic & History Education, Annapolis, MD
Trish Everett, CCE Consultant, Pine Crest School, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Susan Firestone, Attorney, Retired, East Grand Rapids, MI
Kevin H. Fox, CCE Consultant, Arcadia High School, Arcadia, CA
Terry Fox, Appellate Judge, Colorado Court of Appeals, Denver, CO
Jamie Gass, Director of the Center for School Reform, Pioneer Institute, Boston, MA
Stefanie Georgakis Abbott, Director of Programs, UVA Karsh Institute of Democracy, Charlottesville, VA
Benjamin Glickman, Supervising Deputy Attorney General, California Department of Justice, Sacramento, CA
Michael D. Gooch, Attorney at Law, Nebraska State Bar Foundation, Omaha, NE
Kari Jo Gray, Justice, Wyoming Supreme Court, Cheyenne, WY
Peter T. Gunn, Community Activist, CW Design, New London, NH
Alyssa Hanou, Program Manager, British Embassy Washington, Washington, DC
Stefanie E. Hession, Advanced Academics Civics Teacher, Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax, VA
Margaret FH Heubeck, Director- Youth Leadership Initiative, UVA Center for Politics, UVA Center for Politics, Charlottesville, VA
Will Hull, Principal Consultant, Blackbaud & Nevada Center for Civic Engagement: We The People District 2 Co-coordinator, Reno, NV
Ronnald J. Jeffrey, Juvenile Court Judge, City of Cheyenne, Cheyenne WY
Stephen R. Jewett, Judge, Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Winter Park, FL
Caitlin A. Johnston, Corporate Attorney, New York, NY
Mike Kelly, Family Court Judge (Ret.), Charleston, WV
Brit A. Kreimeyer, Defense Attorney – Adult Felony Unit, Thurston County Public Defense, Olympia, WA
Tandy McConnell, Educator, Ridge View High School, Columbia, SC
Reta McKannan, Attorney at Law, Huntsville, AL
James P. McKenna, Attorney / Adjunct Teaching Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Millbury, MA
Mike Miles, Retired County Official, Jefferson County, Al, Birmingham, AL
Karen Greve Milton, Senior Consultant, Danosky & Associates, New York, NY
Tim D. Moore, Deputy Director, Center for the Study of the American Constitution, Waukesha
Paul B. Nolette, Associate Professor of Political Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Diana Owen, Professor of Political Science, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Jeff Owen, Chief Operating Officer (Retired), American Bankers Association, Chevy Chase, MD
Liza Prendergast, Vice President, Democracy International, Washington, DC
Beth Ratway, Principal Technical Assistance Consultant, American Institutes for Research, Merton, WI
David N. Richmond, Civic Education Specialist, Kern High School District, Bakersfield, CA
Lisa D.B. Rodvien, Council Member, Anne Arundel County, Annapolis, MD
Karl D. Smith, Deputy Solicitor General, Washington State Attorney General's Office, Olympia, WA
Troy E. Smith, Professor of Political Science, Brigham Young University at Hawaii, La’ie, HI
Candida S. Steel, Judge (retired), U.S Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, Owls Head, ME
Joseph Stewart, Jr., Professor of Political Science, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Julie M. Strandlie, Attorney and Chair, Strandlie Advocacy, LLC/Virginia Service Foundation, Fairfax County, VA
Patricia L. Supplee, Executive Director, Energizing Young Voters, an initiative of the League of Women Voters, Ocean Grove, NJ
Jessica Sutter, Portfolio Partner, Youth Civic Development, Institute for Citizens & Scholars, Washington, DC
Shawn M. Tanguay, Attorney, Drummond Woodsum, Manchester, NH
Daniel M. Taubman, Senior Judge, Colorado Court of Appeals, Denver, CO
Michael H. Taylor, Professor of History and Political Science, Northeast Community College, Norfolk, NE
Tom Tinder, Attorney, Member, Board of Directors, WV Bar Foundation, Charleston. WV
Lynn Uzzell, Visiting Assistant Professor of American Politics, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA
Schuyler T. VanValken, Delegate, Virginia House of Delegates, Henricho, VA
Jonathan D. Varat, Professor of Law, Emeritus, UCLA School of Law, Pacific Palisades, CA
Edward L. Volpe, Attorney, Volpe Law Firm, Denver, CO
Thomas S. Vontz, Professor of Education, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Dychon Whitaker, Assistant Principal, Charles County Public Schools, La Plata, MD
Mike Williams, Professor of Political Science and International Relations, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Daniel Wong, Member, Board of Directors, Idaho We The People, Boise, ID
Ilan Wurman, Associate Professor of Law, Arizona State University, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Phoenix, AZ
Myron E. Yoder, Chairman Pennsylvania Professional Standards and Practices Commission, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Emmaus, PA

Judges' Resources
- Hearing Questions
- Hearing Schedule (all times EST)
- Hearing Score Sheet
- Scoring Criteria
- Scoring Guide
- Judge Group Assigments - Division A B
- Judge Group Assigments - Division C D
- Judge Group Assigments - Monday
- Map - Hearing Rooms
- Emergency Procedures
Judges' Orientation Video |
2023 National Finals
Important Information
- Monday Schedule
- Event Overview
- Division List
- Hearing Schedule (all times EST)
- Hearing Questions
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Contact Emily Voss at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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