The We the People program promotes civic competence and responsibility among the nation’s upper elementary and secondary students. The We the People print textbooks' and enhanced ebooks' interactive strategies, relevant content and the simulated congressional hearing make teaching and learning exciting for both students and teachers. The We the People curriculum is an innovative course of instruction on the history and principles of the United States constitutional democratic republic. The program enjoys active support from state bar associations and foundations,and other educational, professional, business, and community organizations across the nation. Since its inception in 1987, more than 30 million students and 440,000 educators have participated in the We the People program.
Project Citizen
Civitas International
The Center for Civic Education’s Civitas International Programs bring exemplary civic education curricula to students worldwide in partnership with organizations in the United States and eighty-four countries. This unique network of educators, civil society organizations, educational institutions, and governmental agencies has worked for more than a decade to develop quality curricular materials and train teachers throughout Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Many countries in the Civitas network collaborate in unique partnerships using model civic education programs from the United States and other countries to develop programs that address their specific civic education needs.