60-Second Civics

Wednesday, July 17
   Daily civics quiz

Which of the Reconstruction Amendments dealt specifically with voting rights?


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About the Podcast: 60-Second Civics is a daily podcast that provides a quick and convenient way for listeners to learn about our nation’s government, the Constitution, and our history. The podcast explores themes related to civics and government, the constitutional issues behind the headlines, and the people and ideas that formed our nation’s history and government.

60-Second Civics is produced by the Center for Civic Education. The show's content is primarily derived from the Center’s education for democracy curricula, including We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution, Foundations of Democracy, and Elements of Democracy.

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Get Involved: Join the conversation about each episode on Twitter. Or you can contact the show by emailing Mark Gage. Let me know what you think!

You Can Help: 60-Second Civics is supported by private donations. You can help keep the podcasts coming by donating, buying an ebook, or by writing a nice review in iTunes to help others discover the show. We love our listeners. You are the reason we created the podcast. Thank you for your kind support!

The theme music for 60-Second Civics is provided by Cheryl B. Engelhardt. You can find her online at cbemusic.com. The song featured on the podcast is Cheryl B. Engelhardt's "Complacent," which you purchase on iTunes, along with all of Cheryl's music.

Looking for a particular episode? Search by keyword here:

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2102, Why do people need a government? Part 5: Human equality
Do people naturally have equal political rights? John Locke thought so.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2101, Why do people need a government? Part 4: Limited government
According to John Locke, the people own their government and can terminate it when it does not guard their interests.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2100, Why do people need a government? Part 3: Individual rights and popular sovereignty
Learn how natural rights philosophy informed the Founders' conceptions of individual rights and sovereignty on today's episode.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2099, Why do people need a government? Part 2: John Locke and the state of nature
Today we are introduced to the natural rights philosophy of John Locke.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2098, Why do people need a government? Part 1: Life, liberty, and property
The Founders believed that all people had the right to life, liberty, and property.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2097, Life in the American colonies, Part 6: The British increase control
As the British increased their control of the 13 colonies, discontent grew among the colonists.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2096, Life in the American colonies, Part 5: A land of opportunity, for some
Many Americans in the colonies were prosperous, but not everyone was treated equally.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2095, Life in the American colonies, Part 4: The Southern Colonies
Although most Americans in the thirteen colonies were self-sufficient, others exploited the labor of enslaved people.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2094, Life in the American colonies, Part 3: New England and the Middle Colonies
Learn about colonial life in New England and the Middle Colonies on today's podcast.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2093, Life in the American colonies, Part 2: The diverse American colonies
The diversity of the thirteen colonies created a society that was different from that of Europe.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2092, Life in the American colonies, Part 1: The American colonies in 1770
The British colonies in North America were a growing, vibrant place in the 1770s. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2091, We the People, Lesson 30, Part 6: Why you should participate in government
Our republic requires the participation of it citizens in order to function.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2090, We the People, Lesson 30, Part 5: Social and political action
Today we learn about two ways that citizens can address community problems.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2089, We the People, Lesson 30, Part 4: Civic life
Today we learn about civic life and why it is important.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2088, We the People, Lesson 30, Part 3: Civic responsibility
When civic participation declines, our democracy declines.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2087, We the People, Lesson 30, Part 2: Civic participation
Civic participation very important to American democracy.Learn how you can get involved on today's podcast.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2086, We the People, Lesson 29, Part 7: The rights and responsibilities of citizens
Citizenship has been called the highest office of government. But what does this mean?

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2085, We the People, Lesson 29, Part 6: Civil disobedience
What did Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr have in common? We find out on today's podcast.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2084, We the People, Lesson 29, Part 5: Responsibilities of citizens
Sure, citizens have rights, but what are their responsibilities? We find out on today's 60-Second Civics.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2083, We the People, Lesson 29, Part 4: Economic rights
Today we learn about economic rights and are reminded of situation in which rights can be limited.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2082, We the People, Lesson 29, Part 3: Personal and political rights
On today's 60-Second Civics, we explore personal and political rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2081, We the People, Lesson 29, Part 2: U.S. citizenship
What's the difference between a U.S. citizens and a legal permanent resident? How do you become a citizen? We find out on today's podcast.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2080, We the People, Lesson 29, Part 1: What it means to be a citizen
What does it mean to you to be a citizen? Today we discuss the meaning of American citizenship.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2079, We the People, Lesson 28, Part 7: The ideal of self-government spreads to the world
How have American ideas about self-government spread to the world? Find out on today's 60-Second Civics.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2078, We the People, Lesson 28, Part 6: What the Founders learned from other countries
Today on the podcast, we discover what America's Founders learned from other countries.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2077, We the People, Lesson 28, Part 5: Contributions of the United States to the world
In today's podcast we spell out some of the America's most important democratic principles.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2075, We the People, Lesson 28, Part 3: International organizations
Governments aren't the only organized bodies that operate regionally or internationally.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2074, We the People, Lesson 28, Part 2: How nations interact
Today on the podcast, we explore how countries interact with each other.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2073, We the People, Lesson 28, Part 1: The nation-state and international law
How much do you know about international law? Expand your knowledge with today's podcast.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2072, We the People, Lesson 27, Part 2: Problems of due process
Due process means that government must protect both the public and the individual accused of breaking the law.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2071, We the People, Lesson 27, Part 1: Due process of law
Today we learn about due process of law. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2070, We the People, Lesson 26, Part 5: The civil rights movement
The years 1963-64 were exciting years for the civil rights movement. Find out why on today's episode.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2069, We the People, Lesson 26, Part 4: The civil rights movement
Brown v. Board of Education was a turning point in the fight against discrimination, but the struggle against inequality had just begun.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2068, We the People, Lesson 26, Part 3: Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Today we learn why the Supreme Court separate but equal laws to be unconstitutional. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2067, We the People, Lesson 26, Part 2: Plessy v. Ferguson
On today's podcast, we learn about the case of Plessy v. Ferguson. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2066, We the People, Lesson 26, Part 1: The Fourteenth Amendment
The equal protection clause was meant to protect African Americans against discrimination. It didn't work out that way. On today's episode, we learn why. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2065, We the People, Lesson 25, Part 8: Voting rights today
Responsible voting is essential to democracy. Today we discuss what citizens must do in order to vote. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2064, We the People, Lesson 25, Part 7: Eighteen-year-olds gain the right to vote
Today on 60-Second Civics we learn how 18-year-olds gained the right to vote. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2063, We the People, Lesson 25, Part 6: Native Americans and voting rights
The Indian Citizenship Act made it easy for Native Americans to vote, right? Well, not exactly. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2062, We the People, Lesson 25, Part 5: Women and the right to vote
How long did it take for women to gain the right to vote? Too long. Learn about the long struggle on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2061, We the People, Lesson 25, Part 4: The long road to voting rights
People of all ethnicities worked together to change unfair voting laws: it wasn't until the 1960s that full voting rights for African Americans were achieved. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2060, We the People, Lesson 25, Part 3: Literacy tests, grandfather clauses, and poll taxes
Laws passed after the Civil War made it easier for African American men to vote, but some states passed laws to stop them. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2059, We the People, Lesson 25, Part 2: The Civil War Amendments
Today on 60-Second Civics, we learn about the Civil War Amendments. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2058, We the People, Lesson 25, Part 1: Expanding the right to vote
The right to vote was limited to white men who owned property in the early republic, but change came in fits and starts. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2057, We the People, Lesson 24, Part 5: How the courts decide establishment of religion cases
How do the courts decide whether a law violates the establishment clause? We find out on today's 60-Second Civics.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2056, We the People, Lesson 24, Part 4: Can government limit the way you practice your religion?
The government can't tell you what to believe, but it can limit certain religious practices. Find out more on today's 60-Second Civics. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2055, We the People, Lesson 24, Part 3: Conflicts over freedom of religion
Americans generally agree that freedom of religion is an important right, but that doesn't mean the issue is without controversy. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2054, We the People, Lesson 24, Part 2: Protecting religious freedom
Religious freedom wasn't always protected in America. Learn more on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2053, We the People, Lesson 24, Part 1: The establishment and free exercise clauses
Do you know what the establishment and free exercise clauses are? Find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2052, We the People, Lesson 23, Part 5: Limits on free expression
Does free expression have its limits? The courts think so. Learn more on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2051, We the People, Lesson 23, Part 4: Tinker v. Des Moines
Is Tinker v. Des Moines still relevant? Listen to today's podcast and decide for yourself. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2050, We the People, Lesson 23, Part 3: Freedom of expression: Representative democracy and peaceful change
Today on 60-Second Civics: how freedom of expression helps maintain representative democracy and promotes peaceful change. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2049, We the People, Lesson 23, Part 2: Freedom of expression: human development, dignity, and development
On today's episode, we discuss several benefits of freedom of expression. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2048, We the People, Lesson 23, Part 1: Freedom of expression
Today we learn about freedom of expression. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2047, We the People, Lesson 22, Part 5: How justices decide cases
How do today's justices decide Supreme Court cases? Well, it's complicated. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2046, We the People, Lesson 22, Part 4: Fundamental principles and modernist methods of constitutional interpretation
Today on the podcast: the fundamental principles and modernist methods of constitutional interpretation. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2045, We the People, Lesson 22, Part 3: The original intent method of constitutional interpretation
On today's 60-Second Civics, we learn about the "original intent" method of constitutional interpretation. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2044, We the People, Lesson 22, Part 2: The plain meaning of constitutional interpretation
What four methods of constitutional interpretation are used today? We find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2043, We the People, Lesson 22, Part 1: Introduction to interpreting the Constitution
Today we learn why it is so hard to interpret the Constitution. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2042, We the People, Lesson 21, Part 4: Marbury v. Madison explained
John Marshall argued that Congress overstepped its bounds, and it was the job of the Supreme Court to strike down acts of Congress that violate the Constitution. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2041, We the People, Lesson 21, Part 3: Introduction to Marbury v. Madison
How did the Supreme Court establish its power of judicial review? We find out on today's episode. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2040, We the People, Lesson 21, Part 2: Judicial review and state laws
What is the supremacy clause? Can state laws trump the Constitution? We find out on today's 60-Second Civics. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2039, We the People, Lesson 21, Part 1: Judicial review
Who decides what the words of the Constitution mean? We find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2038, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 10: Political parties today
Political parties aren't necessarily a bad thing. On today's podcast, we learn what political parties do for the nation. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2037, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 9: The Election of 1800
Thomas Jefferson called it the "revolution of 1800." Learn why on today's 60-Second Civics. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2036, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 8: The Alien and Sedition Acts
In an time of heated partisan bickering, the John Adams administration passed the Alien and Sedition Acts. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2035, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 7: American neutrality; Republican anger
John Jay negotiates an unpopular treaty, and Washington advises neutrality. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2034, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 6: War polarizes the new nation
A time of war divides the new nation. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2033, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 5: A national bank
Alexander Hamilton wanted a national bank to issue paper money. It was a controversial idea. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2032, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 4: The challenge of creating a strong economy
The first Secretary of the Treasury had an ambitious agenda. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2031, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 3: The birth of political parties in the United States
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton had very different views on the role of government. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2030, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 2: Hamilton and Jefferson
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson clashed over the role of government in American life. Does this sound familiar? This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2029, We the People, Lesson 20, Part 1: The rise of political parties
On today's podcast, we learn how political parties began in the United States. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2028, We the People, Lesson 19, Part 5: An overview of the Bill of Rights
On today's podcast, we provide a brief overview of the Bill of Rights. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2027, We the People, Lesson 19, Part 4: The compromise that produced the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights was the result of a compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Learn more on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2026, We the People, Lesson 19, Part 3: The establishment of the judicial branch
How was the judicial branch of American government organized? Find out on today's 60-Second Civics. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2025, We the People, Lesson 19, Part 2: The first cabinet
Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, and Alexander Hamilton formed George Washington's first cabinet.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2024, We the People, Lesson 19, Part 1: George Washington elected president
Today we learn the story behind the election of George Washington as the nation's first president.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2023, We the People, Lesson 18, Part 8: A powerful argument against the Constitution
The Anti-Federalists had a powerful argument against the proposed constitution: It did not contain a bill of rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2022, We the People, Lesson 18, Part 7: Would the Constitution guard against tyranny?
Would the Constitution guard against tyranny? The Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed. This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2021, We the People, Lesson 18, Part 6: Would the Constitution provide republican government?
On today's episode, the debate over whether the Constitution would provide for republican government.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2020, We the People, Lesson 18, Part 5: Debating the power of the national government
On today's podcast, the Anti-Federalists and Federalists square off over the proposed constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2019, We the People, Lesson 18, Part 4: The Anti-Federalists
On today's 60-Second Civics, we learn about the Anti-Federalists. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2018, We the People, Lesson 18, Part 3: The Federalists
What do Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay all have in common? Find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2017, We the People, Lesson 18, Part 2: Madison's plan for ratification
James Madison's plan for ratification of the Constitution relied on idea of a social contract. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2016, We the People, Lesson 18, Part 1: Approving the Constitution
How do you get a nation to approve a new Constitution? James Madison had the answer.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2015, We the People, Lesson 17, Part 8: The relationship between the federal and state governments
Today, the federal government is very powerful. Nevertheless, most laws that effect us directly are state and local laws.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2014, We the People, Lesson 17, Part 7: The supremacy clause
Today on 60-Second civics we explain the supremacy clause. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2013, We the People, Lesson 17, Part 6: Powers denied to the federal and state governments
Today's podcast is all about limits on the power of the federal and state governments. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2012, We the People, Lesson 17, Part 5: Powers of the state and federal governments
The federal and state governments have certain, specified powers. Some powers are held by the people themselves. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2011, We the People, Lesson 17, Part 4: Federalism
Just what is federalism, exactly? You'll find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2010, We the People, Lesson 17, Part 3: The people are sovereign
According to natural rights philosophy, the people control their government. This philosophy inspired the Framers. The result: The Constitution. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2009, We the People, Lesson 17, Part 2: Confederations
On today's podcast, we learn all about confederations. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2008, We the People, Lesson 17, Part 1: Unitary government
Today we learn the differences between federal and unitary government. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2007, We the People, Lesson 16, Part 8: Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
How much do you know about the Supreme Court? Learn the basics on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2006, We the People, Lesson 16, Part 7: A national judiciary
Article III of the Constitution established the judicial branch of government. Learn about the judiciary on today's podcast.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2005, We the People, Lesson 16, Part 6: The Electoral College today
How do we elect a new president? This podcast explains the Electoral College. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2004, We the People, Lesson 16, Part 5: Creating the Electoral College
Not trusting Congress, the states, or the people to directly elect a president, the Framers created the Electoral College.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2003, We the People, Lesson 16, Part 4: Selecting a president
The Framers wanted to design a system to elect a president as qualified as George Washington. Doing so would not prove to be easy. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2002, We the People, Lesson 16, Part 3: Impeachment
On today's podcast, we learn about impeachment. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2001, We the People, Lesson 16, Part 2: Limits on the power of the executive branch
How is presidential power limited? Find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2000, We the People, Lesson 16, Part 1: The powers of the executive branch
What are the powers of the president under the Constitution? We find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1999, We the People, Lesson 15, Part 6: Checks on the power of Congress
Today we learn about checks on the power of Congress. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1998, We the People, Lesson 15, Part 5: Limits on the power of Congress
Are there any limits on the power of Congress? You bet. We learn about some of these limits on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1997, We the People, Lesson 15, Part 4: Powers of Congress in the Constitution
The Constitution grants Congress both general and enumerated powers. Learn what these are in today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1996, We the People, Lesson 15, Part 3: General and enumerated powers
The Framers gave Congress some general and some enumerated powers. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1995, We the People, Lesson 15, Part 2: Madison proposes a powerful Congress
James Madison proposed a strong Congress; some Framers thought this was risky. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1994, We the People, Lesson 15, Part 1: Creating a strong national government
The national government under the Articles of Confederation was weak. The Framers set out to fix that problem. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1993, We the People, Lesson 14, Part 4: Compromise over slavery
The Framers of the Constitution compromised over slavery in order to convince delegates to the Philadelphia Convention to support the Constitution. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1992, We the People, Lesson 14, Part 3: The issue of slavery at the Philadelphia Convention
On today's 60-Second Civics, we learn about the issue of slavery at the Philadelphia Convention. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1991, We the People, Lesson 14, Part 2: Tariffs a divisive issue at the Philadelphia Convention
Today we look at how the issue of tariffs were a divisive issue at the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1990, We the People, Lesson 14, Part 1: Economic differences between North and South
On today's podcast, we explore the economic differences between the North and South at the time of the Philadelphia Convention. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1989, We the People, Lesson 13, Part 4: The Connecticut Compromise
The Connecticut Compromise had three parts. Do you know what they are? This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1988, We the People, Lesson 13, Part 3: The New Jersey Plan
The New Jersey plan called for a weak national government and equal representation in a unicameral Congress. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1987, We the People, Lesson 13, Part 2: The Virginia Plan
James Madison came well-prepared to the Philadelphia Convention: he brought the Virginia Plan with him. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1986, We the People, Lesson 13, Part 1: Equal vs. proportional representation
One of the most important agreements at the Philadelphia Convention was about representation. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1985, We the People, Lesson 12, Part 6: Basic ideas about government
Today on 60-Second Civics: The basic ideas about government agreed upon by the delegates to the Philadelphia Convention. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1984, We the People, Lesson 12, Part 5: The Philadelphia Convention begins
The delegates to the Philadelphia Convention agreed on three important points at the start of the convention. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1983, We the People, Lesson 12, Part 4: Founders who did not attend the Philadelphia Convention
A number of notable American statesmen did not attend the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1982, We the People, Lesson 12, Part 3: Benjamin Franklin and Gouverneur Morris
What did Benjamin Franklin and Gouverneur Morris contribute to the writing of the Constitution? Find out on today's episode. This podcast originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1981, We the People, Lesson 12, Part 2: Madison and Washington
Today we discuss two influential Framers of the Constitution: James Madison and George Washington. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1980, We the People, Lesson 12, Part 1: The Philadelphia Convention
Fifty-five men met in Philadelphia in 1787. Their task: to amend the Articles of Confederation. Their accomplishment: a new framework for a government that would last more than 200 years.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1979, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 10: The Annapolis Convention
Only five states bothered to show up at the Annapolis Convention, but something important happened there: delegates agreed that the Articles of Confederation should be revised. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1978, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 9: Shays' Rebellion
Shays' Rebellion failed, but it pointed out the downside of having of a weak federal government. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1977, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 8: Economic turmoil breeds discontent in the early republic
On today's podcast, economic turmoil breeds discontent after the Revolution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1976, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 7: Property rights threatened under the Articles of Confederation
Under the Articles of Confederation, factions in state legislatures threatened property rights. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1975, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 6: Congress, the states, and trade under the Articles
Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government had no control over trade.This caused economic problems and people began to lose their jobs. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1974, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 5: Problems with the Articles of Confederation
There were lots of problems with the Articles of Confederation. Congress, for example, had no money and could not directly raise funds. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1973, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 4: Achievements under the Articles of Confederation
Despite a weak central government under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had some important achievements. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1972, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 3: The Articles of Confederation: A weak central government
The Articles of Confederation provided for a weak central government and equal representation in Congress. This would prove problematic. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1971, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 2: Challenges of writing the Articles of Confederation
The writers of the Articles of Confederation had to overcome many obstacles in creating the nation's first constitution. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1970, We the People, Lesson 11, Part 1: The Articles of Confederation
In 1776, Richard Henry Lee made two bold proposals: for Independence and a national government to unify the states. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1969, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 9: State bills of rights
State bills of rights included many of the rights we now recognize as essential.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1968, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 8: The Virginia Declaration of Rights
On today's podcast, we learn about the Virginia Declaration of Rights. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1967, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 7: State declarations of rights
State declarations of rights were meant to show that people had certain rights that could not be taken away. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1966, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 6: Voting in Massachusetts
In early Massachusetts people were divided into different voting groups based on wealth. No property, no vote. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1965, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 5: The Massachusetts constitution
How was the constitution of Massachusetts different from that of most states? Find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1964, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 4: Legislative supremacy
The majority of early state governments gave most power to the legislature. This was known as legislative supremacy. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1963, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 3: Representation, separation of powers, and checks and balances
Today we examine the concepts of representation, separation of powers, and checks and balances in early state governments. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1962, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 2: Basic rights in state constitutions
On today's 60-Second Civics, we learn about the basic rights included in state constitutions. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1961, We the People, Lesson 10, Part 1: New state governments
The American people used principles of political philosophy to protect their rights in their new state governments. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1960, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 10: Battlefield victory and the Treaty of Paris
With the critical help of the French navy, American forces defeated the British at the Battle of Yorktown; in 1783, the Treaty of Paris ended the war. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1959, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 9: Eliza Lucas Pinckney
Today we learn about Eliza Lucas Pinckney, whose resistance to British rule came at a price. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1958, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 8: The South during the revolution
The Revolutionary War wasn't going too well for the Americans in 1780: Charleston fell to the British and Benedict Arnold defected. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1957, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 7: French aid turns the tide in the war
On today's podcast, we learn how French aid helped turn the tide in the Revolutionary War. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1956, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 6: Valley Forge
Winter at Valley Forge was miserable for American troops, but it did not break their resolve. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1955, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 5: Victory and defeat
The British tried to strangle the Revolution, but the Americans gained an important victory at the Battle of Saratoga. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1954, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 4: A bleak start to the war
The Revolutionary War did not begin well for the Americans, and the prospects for American success looked bleak. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1953, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 3: The Articles of Confederation
American soldiers during the Revolution often went unpaid, unfed, and without uniforms. This was only one of the problems of the Continental Congress. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1952, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 2: The shot heard round the world
Today: the shot heard round the world. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1951, We the People, Lesson 9, Part 1: A citizen militia
Today: Paul Revere and the Second Amendment. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1950, We the People, Lesson 8, Part 7: Loyalists
Today we learn about the Loyalists, those Americans who were opposed to the Revolution. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1949, We the People, Lesson 8, Part 6: Complaints against the king
Today: complaints against King George III in the Declaration of Independence. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1948, We the People, Lesson 8, Part 5: Jefferson's arguments in the Declaration of Independence
Why did the American colonists declare independence? We find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1947, We the People, Lesson 8, Part 4: Natural rights and the Declaration of Independence
What does the Declaration of Independence have to do with natural rights? We find out on today's episode. This podcast originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1946, We the People, Lesson 8, Part 3: All men are created equal
The Declaration of Independence asserted that all people have certain basic rights. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1945, We the People, Lesson 8, Part 2: Explaining the Declaration of Independence
On today's podcast, we explain how the Declaration of Independence is organized. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1944, We the People, Lesson 8, Part 1: The Declaration of Independence
On today's podcast, a committee is appointed to write the Declaration of Independence. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1943, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 12: The Revolution begins
On today's podcast, the American Revolution begins. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1942, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 11: Prelude to war
Today on the podcast we learn about the First Continental Congress. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1941, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 10: The Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party
What happened at the Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party? We find out on today's 60-Second Civics. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1940, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 9: The Sons and Daughters of Liberty
Today we learn about the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1939, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 8: Committees of correspondence
On today's podcast, the American colonists begin to organize resistance against the British. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1938, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 7: Differing views on taxation
Britain and America differed widely on the unpopular taxes levied on the American colonies. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1937, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 6: The Stamp, Quartering, Declaratory, and Tea Acts
Today we learn about four unpopular taxes in American colonial history. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1936, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 5: The Proclamation of 1763 and the Sugar Act
Today we learn about two British laws that quickly became unpopular in the colonies. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1935, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 4: A new interest in America
For most of the colonial period, Britain left its American colonies alone. But then it needed money. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1934, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 3: Separation of powers and checks and balances in colonial America
Today we learn about the three branches of colonial governments. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1932, We the People, Lesson 7, Part 1: Establishing government in the colonies
The first priority for American colonists: protecting themselves from the abuse of power. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1931, We the People, Lesson 6, Part 8: The English Bill of Rights
Parliament gained more power in 1689 with the English Bill of Rights. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1930, We the People, Lesson 6, Part 7: The Petition of Right of 1628
Today on 60-Second Civics: A struggle between Parliament and the king leads to revolution. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1929, We the People, Lesson 6, Part 6: The creation of Parliament
Today on the podcast we learn about the origins of the British Parliament. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1928, We the People, Lesson 6, Part 5: The rule of law
The Magna Carta established a powerful idea: even the king must obey the law. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1927, We the People, Lesson 6, Part 4: The Magna Carta
King John tried to take back some of the rights of the nobles. It was a mistake that produced the Magna Carta. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1926, We the People, Lesson 6, Part 2: Government based on contract
Feudalism wasn't exactly democratic, but it did introduce one important concept familiar to today's democracies: government based on a contract. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1925, We the People, Lesson 6, Part 2:Feudalism
On today's podcast, we learn about feudalism in England. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1924, We the People, Lesson 6, Part 1: The rights of Englishmen
The American colonists were British subjects and had the rights of Englishmen. Today we learn what these rights were. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1923, We the People, Lesson 5, Part 3: Checks and balances
Today we learn how each branch of government checks and balances the other branches. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1922, We the People, Lesson 5, Part 2: Separation of powers
Today we learn are introduced to the three branches of government. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1921, We the People, Lesson 5, Part 1: Separation and balance of power
Today we learn two ways that constitutional governments ensure that no one person or group gets too much power. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1919, We the People, Lesson 4, Part 6: Antigone, Part 3
Ismene insisted that the state, in the person of Creon, is too powerful to be resisted. Was she right? This episode originally aired in 2014.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1918, We the People, Lesson 4, Part 5: Antigone, Part 2
Antigone's conscience troubled her. She felt it was her duty to bury her brother. So she defied the king. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1917, We the People, Lesson 4, Part 4: Antigone, Part 1
What does the tragedy of Antigone have to do with the study of government? Find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1916, We the People, Lesson 4, Part 3: A higher law
What are the five characteristics of a constitution in a system of constitutional government? You'll find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1915, We the People, Lesson 4, Part 2: Constitutional government
Happy Constitution Day! Today on 60-Second Civics we learn about constitutional government. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1914, We the People, Lesson 4, Part 1: What is a constitution?
What is a constitution? Do all countries have them? Do they have to be written down? We find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1913, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 10: Civic virtue in the American colonies
How was civic virtue taught in early America? We find out on today's episode.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1912, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 9: Civic virtue
What did James Madison have to say about civic virtue? We find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1911, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 8: Cincinnatus
Do you know the story of Cincinnatus? You should. Learn more about this ancient Roman whose example was important to America's Founders.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1910, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 7: A republican form of government
What kind of government did James Madison think America should have? We find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1909, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 6: Direct democracy vs. republican government
Today on the podcast, we look at how James Madison explained the difference between a direct democracy and republican government. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1908, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 4: The disadvantages of republican government
A republican government sounds great, right? Well, the Founders feared that such a system might not work in America. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1907, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 4: Two more benefits of republican government
A republican form of government has many benefits, but the people also have responsibilities. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1906, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 3: Two benefits of republican government
Do you know what the main purpose of republican government is? You'll find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1905, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 2: Republican government
In a republic, citizens and their representatives work together to promote he common good. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1904, We the People, Lesson 3, Part 1: The Roman Republic
What was the Roman Republic? We find out on today's podcast. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1903, We the People, Lesson 2, Part 7: Social contract and the purpose of government
On today's podcast, we learn what people gain, when they agree to give up the absolute right to do anything they want. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1902, We the People, Lesson 2, Part 6: Why people form a social contract
Why do people agree to form governments? John Locke thought he had the answer. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1901, We the People, Lesson 2, Part 5: The people must consent to be governed. This episode originally aired in 2013.
What gives government its legitimacy? We find out on today's episode.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1900, We the People, Lesson 2, Part 4: Most people are reasonable and good
John Locke thought most people were reasonable and good. But those few, troublesome exceptions caused people to band together. This episode originally aired in 2013.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1899, We the People, Lesson 2, Part 3: Natural rights: Life, liberty, and property
John Locke thought that people could use reason to determine their natural rights. This episode originally aired in 2013.


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