Resource Materials

Other Resource Materials (online only)
The ConSource U.S. Constitution for Kids offers educators and students the opportunity to read the original text of the Constitution alongside unbiased translations that are easy for students to understand. Also included is useful background information, which places each clause in historical context.
We the People, Level 2, Primary Source Correlation by Lesson (Courtesy of ConSource)
We the People, Level 3, Primary Source Correlation by Lesson (Courtesy of ConSource)
Strategies for Struggling Readers: A Teacher Resource Guide for We the People: The Citizen & the Constitution, Level 2 Entire Text
This guide, for teachers of the Level 2 (middle school) edition of We the People, provides teachers with strategies to help their struggling readers. A variety of ready-to-use handouts are provided to accompany the strategies. PDF
Strategies for Struggling Readers: A Teacher Resource Guide for We the People: The Citizen & the Constitution, Level 3 Entire Text
This guide, for teachers of the Level 3 (high school) edition of We the People, is an easy-to-use online text that provides educators with an understanding of the reading process and allows them to identify the challenges for struggling readers and English learners. Includes a variety of printable handouts. PDF
Res Publica: An International Framework for Education in Democracy Entire Text
This document represents an international effort to develop a resource that can be used in the creation of curricular programs designed to develop educational programs to prepare young people and adults for citizenship in a constitutional democracy. Participation in this project is open to any individual or organization. PDF
Elements of Democracy Slideshow: Concept 1, The People
Everyone is familiar with the first three words of the Preamble to the Constitution: "We the People." This slideshow answers the question "Who are the People in a democracy?" It explains the importance of political consent, tolerance, minority rights versus majority rule, and states composed of various ethnic and religious groups. PowerPoint®
Constitutional Democracy: Outlines of Essential Elements and Indices
Interdisciplinary Strategies
A work in progress comprised of prompts and strategies in literature, reading, writing, and math that use We the People and Foundations of Democracy curricular materials as a base. This work was compiled as a project of the Allentown School District, Pennsylvania, and the Center's School Violence Prevention Demonstration Program as a means to address state standards and testing in reading, writing, and math. PDF
Literature for Young Adults: Examining Issues of Violence and Conflict Resolution
An annotated bibliography by Alita Zurav Letwin.
The Morality of Democratic Citizenship
Written by R. Freeman Butts, The Morality of Democratic Citizenship briefly summarizes some of the main ideas and values that have been incorporated in what has now become a worldwide effort to build a vital and energizing education for democratic citizenship. Full text. © 1988